Apply Online

Application and Enrolment Form

Please select which course you are applying for:(Required)
Which month do you wish to start the course?(Required)
Tick more than one box if you are flexible

Learner Details

Date of Birth(Required)
Current Address & Postcode(Required)
Email Address(Required)

Emergency Contact details

Emergency Contact Email Address(Required)


Do you have the right to work in the United Kingdom?(Required)
If you are, or have been, living overseas please state your date of entry into the UK
Have you been resident in the UK/EEA (European Economic Area) for the last 3 years?(Required)
If No to questions above, are you a non-EEA citizen with permission from the UK government to live in the UK, (not for educational purposes) and have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least the previous three years before the start of learning
Will you spend at least 50% of your working hours in England or Wales over the duration of the apprenticeship?(Required)
Are you using a student loan to pay for your apprenticeship?(Required)
Have you been asked to contribute financially to the cost of training, on-programme or end-point assessment?(Required)
Will you be able to complete the apprenticeship within the time available?(Required)
Household Situation (for ESFA purposes), please tick appropriate box:(Required)

Education (qualifications already gained or predicted grades please state.) Include all qualifications.

Education (qualifications already gained or predicted grades please state.) Include all qualifications.(Required)
Year Achieved
Click the plus icon on the right to add additional rows
Have you ever been registered as a student VN with the RCVS?(Required)
Are you currently enrolled on another course?(Required)
Have you undertaken an apprenticeship before?(Required)
Do you have any criminal convictions? Are you in custody as a prisoner, remanded in custody or have any other restrictions placed upon you which would interfere with your attendance at work?(Required)
Are you in higher education, including on a holiday period?(Required)
Are you taking part in any other employment, training or enterprise programme or scheme funded by the government?(Required)
Are you working towards a degree (full or part time)?(Required)
Do you currently hold a level 4 or higher qualification e.g. degree, certificate of higher education?(Required)
Are you self-employed?(Required)
I confirm that if I am a volunteer, I receive no payments for the work undertaken other than incurred expenses where payable

Previous Employment History

Previous Employment History
Name of Employer and Dates
Job Role and/or description of duties
Click the plus icon on the right to add additional rows


Please tick the appropriate box(Required)

Additional Support: Learning and Social (This can be discussed confidentially if preferred)

Medical Condition (This can be discussed confidentially if preferred) (Please tick)

Medical Condition(Required)


Learner Privacy Notice

Retrieval of Unique Learner Numbers for Funded Programmes. How We Use Your Personal Information. This privacy notice is issued by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Education (DfE). It is to inform learners how their personal information will be used by the DfE, the ESFA (an executive agency of the DfE) and any successor bodies to these organisations. For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations 2016, the DfE is the data controller for personal data processed by the ESFA. Your personal information is used by the DfE to exercise its functions and to meet its statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 and to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN) and a personal learning record (PLR). Your information may be shared with third parties for education, training, employment and well-being related purposes, including for research. This will only take place where the law allows it and the sharing is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016. Government Authorities (or agents acting on its behalf) may contact you in order for them to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training.
You can opt out of contact for other purposes by ticking any of the following boxes if you do not wish to be contacted:

Employment Status

Contact Email Address(Required)
Start Date
Has the apprentice signed a full contract of employment?
Do you have a job description
If you have ticked yes because you have a job description, state your job title here
Have you had a Health & Safety Induction?

Please note that this apprenticeship with Abbeydale Vet Nurse Training is an ESFA Apprenticeship funded programme.

Type your name as your signature
Date of signature
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
We require: Any relevant qualification certificates such as GCSE's, Functional/Key Skills, Diploma or Degree Certificates
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Photograph or scan either your passport or your driving license and upload it here
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
The photo should be a passport type head and shoulders shot with a plain background. It can be a self image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Upload your CV
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
The cover letter should be a statement from the employer of the apprentice to show that they are happy to support the student through the training. It must be signed and dated by the employer or training practice representative.
❖ Fees are payable within 28 days of receiving the invoice, should you leave the course after the commencement of the term, fees will still be due.
❖ RCVS and CQ enrolment fees (if applicable) are due on the first day of term- further information will be provided on induction day.
I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored*(Required)
To comply with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation coming into force in May 2018, please tick yes to confirm that you consent to your submitted data being collected and stored.